Create approval request


Create an approval request.

This endpoint requires a list of instructions, in semantic patch format, that will be applied when the approval request is approved and applied.

If you are creating an approval request for a flag, you can use the following instructions:

  • addVariation
  • removeVariation
  • updateVariation
  • updateDefaultVariation

For details on using these instructions, read Update feature flag.

To create an approval for a flag specific to an environment, use Create approval request for a flag.

If you are creating an approval request for a segment, you can use the following read Patch segment for details on the available instructions.


This endpoint expects an object.

String representation of the resource specifier


A brief description of the changes you’re requesting

instructionslist of maps from strings to anyRequired

List of instructions in semantic patch format to be applied to the feature flag. Review the Update feature flag documentation for details on available instructions.


Optional comment describing the approval request

notifyMemberIdslist of stringsOptional

An array of member IDs. These members are notified to review the approval request.

notifyTeamKeyslist of stringsOptional

An array of team keys. The members of these teams are notified to review the approval request.

integrationConfigmap from strings to anyOptional

Additional approval request fields for third-party integration approval systems. If you are using a third-party integration to manage approval requests, these additional fields will be described in the manifest.json for that integration, at


Approval request response


The ID of this approval request


Version of the approval request


Timestamp of when the approval request was created


The approval service for this request. May be LaunchDarkly or an external approval service, such as ServiceNow or JIRA.

Allowed values: approveddeclinedpending

Current status of the review of this approval request

allReviewslist of objects

An array of individual reviews of this approval request

notifyMemberIdslist of strings

An array of member IDs. These members are notified to review the approval request.

Allowed values: pendingcompletedfailedscheduled

Current status of the approval request

instructionslist of maps from strings to any

List of instructions in semantic patch format to be applied to the feature flag

conflictslist of objects

Details on any conflicting approval requests


The ID of the member who requested the approval


A human-friendly name for the approval request


Timestamp of when the approval request was applied


The member ID of the member who applied the approval request


The service token ID of the service token which applied the approval request


Timestamp for when instructions will be executed


ID of scheduled change to edit or delete


Details about the object in an external service corresponding to this approval request, such as a ServiceNow change request or a JIRA ticket, if an external approval service is being used


Details about the source feature flag, if copied


Details about the custom workflow, if this approval request is part of a custom workflow


String representation of a resource


The settings for this approval


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