
The webhooks API lets you build your own integrations that subscribe to activities in LaunchDarkly. When you generate an activity in LaunchDarkly, such as when you change a flag or you create a project, LaunchDarkly sends an HTTP POST payload to the webhook’s URL. Use webhooks to update external issue trackers, update support tickets, notify customers of new feature rollouts, and more.

Several of the endpoints in the webhooks API require a webhook ID. The webhook ID is returned as part of the Creates a webhook and List webhooks responses. It is the _id field, or the _id field of each element in the items array.

Designating the payload

The webhook payload is identical to an audit log entry. To learn more, read Get audit log entry.

Here’s a sample payload:

Webhook delivery order

Webhooks may not be delivered in chronological order. We recommend using the payload’s “date” field as a timestamp to reorder webhooks as they are received.

2 "_links": {
3 "canonical": {
4 "href": "/api/v2/projects/alexis/environments/test",
5 "type": "application/json"
6 },
7 "parent": {
8 "href": "/api/v2/auditlog",
9 "type": "application/json"
10 },
11 "self": {
12 "href": "/api/v2/auditlog/57c0a8e29969090743529965",
13 "type": "application/json"
14 },
15 "site": {
16 "href": "/settings#/projects",
17 "type": "text/html"
18 }
19 },
20 "_id": "57c0a8e29969090743529965",
21 "date": 1472243938774,
22 "accesses": [
23 {
24 "action": "updateName",
25 "resource": "proj/alexis:env/test"
26 }
27 ],
28 "kind": "environment",
29 "name": "Testing",
30 "description": "- Changed the name from ~~Test~~ to *Testing*",
31 "member": {
32 "_links": {
33 "parent": {
34 "href": "/internal/account/members",
35 "type": "application/json"
36 },
37 "self": {
38 "href": "/internal/account/members/548f6741c1efad40031b18ae",
39 "type": "application/json"
40 }
41 },
42 "_id": "548f6741c1efad40031b18ae",
43 "email": "ariel@acme.com",
44 "firstName": "Ariel",
45 "lastName": "Flores"
46 },
47 "titleVerb": "changed the name of",
48 "title": "[Ariel Flores](mailto:ariel@acme.com) changed the name of [Testing](https://app.launchdarkly.com/settings#/projects)",
49 "target": {
50 "_links": {
51 "canonical": {
52 "href": "/api/v2/projects/alexis/environments/test",
53 "type": "application/json"
54 },
55 "site": {
56 "href": "/settings#/projects",
57 "type": "text/html"
58 }
59 },
60 "name": "Testing",
61 "resources": ["proj/alexis:env/test"]
62 }

Signing the webhook

Optionally, you can define a secret when you create a webhook. If you define the secret, the webhook POST request will include an X-LD-Signature header, whose value will contain an HMAC SHA256 hex digest of the webhook payload, using the secret as the key.

Compute the signature of the payload using the same shared secret in your code to verify that the webhook was triggered by LaunchDarkly.

Understanding connection retries

If LaunchDarkly receives a non-2xx response to a webhook POST, it will retry the delivery one time. Webhook delivery is not guaranteed. If you build an integration on webhooks, make sure it is tolerant of delivery failures.

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