Create a new custom role
A human-friendly name for the custom role
The custom role key
Resource statements for custom role
Description of custom role
Base permissions to use for this role. Only applicable to roles created prior to October 2024.
The category of resources this role is intended to manage. Can be organization, project, or any
Custom role response
The ID of the custom role
The location and content type of related resources
The key of the custom role
The name of the custom role
An array of the policies that comprise this custom role
Details on the allowed and denied actions for this custom role
The description of the custom role
Base permissions to use for this role. Only applicable to roles created prior to October 2024.
The category of resources this role is intended to manage. Can be organization, project, or any. Once set, this field cannot be changed.
The number of teams and members this role is assigned to
If created from a preset, the preset bundle version
If created from a preset, the read-only statements copied from the preset