Copy feature flag


Copying flag settings is an Enterprise feature

Copying flag settings is available to customers on an Enterprise plan. To learn more, read about our pricing. To upgrade your plan, contact Sales.

Copy flag settings from a source environment to a target environment.

By default, this operation copies the entire flag configuration. You can use the includedActions or excludedActions to specify that only part of the flag configuration is copied.

If you provide the optional currentVersion of a flag, this operation tests to ensure that the current flag version in the environment matches the version you’ve specified. The operation rejects attempts to copy flag settings if the environment’s current version of the flag does not match the version you’ve specified. You can use this to enforce optimistic locking on copy attempts.

Path parameters


The project key


The feature flag key. The key identifies the flag in your code.


This endpoint expects an object.

The source environment


The target environment


Optional comment

includedActionslist of enumsOptional

Optional list of the flag changes to copy from the source environment to the target environment. You may include either includedActions or excludedActions, but not both. If you include neither, then all flag changes will be copied.

excludedActionslist of enumsOptional

Optional list of the flag changes NOT to copy from the source environment to the target environment. You may include either includedActions or excludedActions, but not both. If you include neither, then all flag changes will be copied.


Global flag response


A human-friendly name for the feature flag

Allowed values: booleanmultivariate

Kind of feature flag


A unique key used to reference the flag in your code


Version of the feature flag


Timestamp of flag creation date

variationslist of objects

An array of possible variations for the flag


Whether the flag is a temporary flag

tagslist of strings

Tags for the feature flag


Experimentation data for the feature flag

customPropertiesmap from strings to objects

Metadata attached to the feature flag, in the form of the property key associated with a name and array of values for the metadata to associate with this flag. Typically used to store data related to an integration.


Boolean indicating if the feature flag is archived


Description of the feature flag


Which type of client-side SDKs the feature flag is available to


Associated maintainerId for the feature flag


Associated maintainer member info for the feature flag


The key of the associated team that maintains this feature flag


Associated maintainer team info for the feature flag


If archived is true, date of archive


Boolean indicating if the feature flag is deprecated


If deprecated is true, date of deprecation


The indices, from the array of variations, for the variations to serve by default when targeting is on and when targeting is off. These variations will be used for this flag in new environments. If omitted, the first and last variation will be used.


Migration-related settings for the flag

environmentsmap from strings to objectsOptional

Details on the environments for this flag. Only returned if the request is filtered by environment, using the filterEnv query parameter.


Deprecated, use clientSideAvailability. Whether this flag should be made available to the client-side JavaScript SDK

goalIdslist of stringsOptionalDeprecated

Deprecated, use experiments instead


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