Viewing incoming events


This topic explains how to view metric events your SDKs are sending to LaunchDarkly, and how to create metrics from those events.

An “event” happens when an end user takes an action in your app, such as clicking on a button, or when a system takes an action, such as processing a background job. Your SDKs can send these events to LaunchDarkly, where LaunchDarkly metrics aggregate and analyze them. To learn more, read Metric events.

View events from your SDKs

Before you create a metric, you can view the events your SDKs are already sending to LaunchDarkly in the event explorer. the event explorer can help you decide what kind of metrics you need, and what event keys to use in your metrics.

To view events from your SDKs, click Event explorer in the left nav. The event list includes the 25 most recent event keys in the selected environment over the last 90 days.

The event explorer list.

The event explorer list.

The event explorer list includes:

  • The event key
  • A bar graph showing the number of events received each day for the last 14 days
  • The total number of events received over the last 14 days, and the percent change from the previous 14-day period
  • All environments within the current project that have received the event
  • The SDK or other external source that sent the event
  • Any metrics already associated with the event
  • The option to create a new metric using the event key

To copy an event key, click the three-dot overflow menu for an event and select Copy event key.

View event details

Click on an event key to view more details about the event. A side panel opens with the options to view event details and inspect the event.

The Event details tab displays:

  • A bar graph showing the number of events received each day for the last 14 days
  • The context kinds associated with the event
  • When the event was last seen in each of its environments

The Inspect tab displays:

  • The Request details for the event, including information about the SDK, SDK version, event source, and application, if applicable
  • The Event details including the associated context key, context kind, and context attributes

Change the date from the date picker to view different instances of the event:

The event details panel.

The event details panel.

Create metrics from existing events

To create a metric from an existing event:

  1. Navigate to the event explorer list by clicking Event explorer in the left nav.
  2. Find the event you want to create a metric for:
    • If the event has no metrics associated with it, click Create new metric.
    • If the event already has an associated metric, click the three-dot overflow menu for an event and select Create new metric.
  3. Follow the instructions in the Create metrics topic to create a new metric. For custom conversion binary, custom conversion count, and custom numeric metrics, the Event key field is automatically populated with the event key from the event you chose.

The metric is added to the Metrics list.

You can also create a new metric from an event by clicking Create new metric at the bottom of its event details panel.

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