
This topic explains how to view and manage AI configs.

All of your AI configs within a project appear on the AI configs list. Creating a new AI config adds it to the list and all environments within your project, and deleting an AI config removes it from the list and all environments within your project.

You can also use the REST API: List AI configs

To learn how to create a new AI config, read Create AI configs.

View AI configs

Use the search bar to find an AI config by name, key, or description. By default, the most recently created AI configs appear first.

Filter AI configs

You can filter the list of AI configs to view only those that share a particular, project-wide attribute. To filter your AI configs, use the Filters menu at the top of the AI configs list:

The filter menu for project-wide AI configs attributes.

The filter menu for project-wide AI configs attributes.

Within a project, you can filter by:

  • Tags
  • Maintainer
  • Creation date

To filter your AI configs:

  1. Click Filters.
  2. Choose an attribute for a filtering option. The AI configs list automatically updates.
  3. (Optional) Click Filters again and choose an additional attribute. Repeat as many times as needed.

Remove filters

To clear filters, click Filters, then click Clear.

Sort AI configs

You can sort the list of visible AI configs by creation date, by name, or by last modified date. To sort the AI configs list, click Sort and choose a sorting option:

The "Sort" option on the AI configs list.

The "Sort" option on the AI configs list.

Delete AI configs

You can delete an AI config when you no longer need it.

If you delete an AI config, its targeting rules will be deleted. Should it be requested again, the fallback value defined in code will be returned for all contexts. Remove any references to the AI config from your application code before you delete it.

Deleted AI configs are gone forever

If you delete an AI config, you cannot restore it. Be absolutely certain you do not need an AI config anymore before you delete it.

To delete an AI config:

  1. Navigate to the detail page for the AI config you want to delete.
  2. In right sidebar, click the trash can icon. The “Delete this AI config?” dialog appears.
  3. Click Delete AI config.

The AI config is deleted permanently.

You can also use the REST API: Delete AI config

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